The Arizona Adventure Ends

This was the scene when I woke up this morning! My hosts in Oro Valley, just outside of Tucson Arizona, assured me that it never snows in Tucson. When I went to bed the sky was clearing and it was a fairly warm night… 6 hours later and everything was covered in...

Life in the Desert

The Technopod Adventure in the Current Middle Ages Comes to an End… The Estrella War is over and, though the end came early, it was a fun experience that taught me some useful things about my nomadic system. The battle fields at Estrella were filled with crowds...

Greetings from FOTOfusion 2011

Well… here I am in sunny West Palm Beach Florida for the annual FOTOfusion event. Ive been invited along with a group of photography masters to present at the photo conference. The Palm Beach Photo Center is in the middle of downtown West Palm Beach in the same...

Technopod Death Valley Adventure

The Saga Continues… Well… I finally recovered from a hectic Death Valley trip in the Technopod. You can see the basic setup in the photo above. I use the portable solar panel at the left to keep the deep cycle battery topped off though I didn’t have...

The Technopod Adventure Begins

This past Labor Day weekend found me on the road to New Mexico to pick up my new custom teardrop trailer. My idea is to trick out this tiny micro-trailer into a self contained living/workspace with a solar powered computer setup, bed and kitchen. Well… off I...