Looking Forward for 2011

Leaving Mosaic Canyon – out of the shade into the light
This past year has had its ups and downs but now it is time to look ahead to a golden dawn of new opportunities. I’m putting together a schedule of activities for at least the 1st quarter of the year and laying the foundation for developments that will take me into the summer. Here are some of the things brewing:
I’m working up some new tutorials that will eventually make their way into an eBook and a DVD that will be an introduction to a new post-capture photo workflow. I’ll be making some announcements about this in the coming months, looking for an end of quarter release!
Jan 11th – 15th – I will be participating in Fotofusion 2011, an annual photo festival in Palm Beach Florida. I’m giving a seminar on the new Digital Zone System, a workshop on portrait retouching and will be conducting a live photo shoot demonstrating a complete digital photo workflow utilizing simple accessible techniques and equipment.
Jan 26th – I will be giving a seminar presentation for APA LA on the 10-Channel Workflow illustrating some of the new image enhancement techniques I’ve been developing. This will be an early glimpse of the material that will eventually become an eBook so, if you are in Los Angeles, be sure and check it out. I will announce details when they become available so stay tuned.
Jan 29th – 30th – The last weekend of the month I will be shooting for my Tarot card project and I’ll be posting some of the shots here…
I am continuing work on my tutorials and also working on the next Annenberg Slide Show project for their “Extreme” exhibition. This is also a month of travel and I will finally be putting the Technopod through its paces in a full test!
Feb 17th – 21st – I will be in Arizona for the “Estrella War” one of the major SCA events for the year. I am working on a documentary project, filming and photographing the world of medieval re-enactors. This is a long term project that is just getting off the ground and I expect to be working on this for the next couple of years.
Feb 21th – 26th – I will be visiting my sister in Tucson Arizona to work on my web site and marketing efforts as well as just hang out and hopefully soak up some sun!
Most of this month is devoted to a big push to get my DVD and eBook finished and available. I will really be hunkered down in the pod for the most part only coming up for air at LADIG & Clickers events.
Mar 3rd – The Annenberg slideshow night will present the work of 30 international photographers working in extreme conditions.
Mar 29th – Apr 2nd – I will be at the Palm Springs Photo Festival presenting a seminar on Photoshop essentials for the digital photographer. My seminars are on Tuesday, Mar 29th, 2:45 – 4:30 pm and Friday, Apr 1st, 12:45 – 2:30pm – in between I will be around for the festival activities so, if you’re in town look me up. I’ll be the one in the teardrop trailer!
Well that takes care of the first quarter. At least, that’s the plan and you know what happens to even the best laid plans. At any rate, I do have a lot of work cut out for me and I will be sharing everything here on the blog so stay tuned.